Tommy Robinson Banned from London By Cops At Pro-Israel Rally

Anti-grooming activist turned citizen journalist Tommy Robinson has reportedly been banned from entering his nation’s capital city — London — following his bizarre arrest while attempting to report, sympathetically, from the city’s March Against Anti-Semitism.

Robinson was detained by a huge team of Metropolitan Police officers on Sunday, who were filmed dragging him from the protest while simultaneously pepper-spraying him. They claimed that march organizers had expressed “concerns” Robinson’s presence would “cause fear” and said “he was spoken to and warned on more than one occasion that his continued presence in the area was likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress to others.” He was then arrested for refusing to leave.

Robinson was released from custody on Monday, and confirmed to The National Pulse that he has been charged with refusing to comply with a dispersal order. He says the Metropolitan Police’s leadership initially wanted to remand him in custody until his court appearance in January. His bail conditions include a requirement to stay away from London, effectively banning him from travelling anywhere inside the M25 motorway which surrounds the capital. He denounced the move as a “blatant abuse of my human rights.”

For the full read, visit The National Pulse.



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