OPINION: Joe Biden was omitted from Hunter’s new indictment by design

Predictably, the big takeaway from Hunter Biden’s indictment by Dem media is that it is “far from helpful to the Republicans.”

“It never mentions President Biden, not even indirectly,” said the New York Times, “and provides no evidence linking the misdeeds of the son to the father.”

It’s as if they live in a cave without access to modern communications.

The reason the president has gone unmentioned after a five-year investigation into Hunter’s role in the family influence-peddling racket is that the DOJ, like most of the media, corruptly protected him.

As IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley keep telling Congress, every investigative avenue that led to Joe Biden was blocked.

This is why those IRS investigators were forced to blow the whistle.

A few examples:
  • The FBI FD 1023 alleging Joe was bribed $5 million by Ukraine was kept from investigators.
  • Investigators were refused access to Hunter’s laptop that the FBI had been given in December 2019 by Delaware computer repairer John Paul Mac Isaac.
  • A search warrant for a cottage on Joe’s Delaware estate was denied.
  • A plan to search Hunter’s storage unit was leaked to his lawyers.
  • Questions about the “big guy” were not allowed in interviews with witnesses.
  • Interviews with Biden family members were banned.
  • Joe’s presidential transition team was tipped off in December 2020 that Shapley and an FBI agent were in California to interview Hunter the next morning (and thus they never did).
  • The statute of limitations was allowed to expire on the potentially most serious charges from 2014 and 2015, involving payments from Ukraine which could have ensnared Joe.


But the malfeasance extends far beyond the Hunter investigation in Delaware. Protecting Joe Biden is a longstanding whole-of-government enterprise.
Let’s look at IRS Special Agent Ziegler’s most recent update to Congress last week, for instance.

One intriguing reference was to Gal Luft, the fugitive former Israel Defense Forces colonel who, like Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, was in business with the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

In May, Luft skipped bail in Cyprus while awaiting extradition to the US on gun-running charges and, ironically enough, violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act over his work with CEFC, charges that magically have avoided Hunter and Jim.

Luft remains on the lam in an undisclosed location, claiming the charges against him are a political frame-up to protect the Bidens.

In any case, Ziegler last week confirmed the accuracy of the information Luft volunteered to the FBI in a March 2019 interview in Brussels about CEFC paying the Bidens in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world.

“Information from this [Luft] interview was corroborated,” Ziegler testified. “In this interview, Luft recalled payments between Hunter Biden and CEFC, all of which were validated in evidence obtained throughout the investigation, even though his timing was slightly off.”

So the FBI knew all this in March 2019. And nine months later, it would take possession of Hunter’s laptop, which further corroborated what Luft had told them.

Read Miranda's full take on The New York Post.


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