ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Supreme court allows gov't to request Big Tech remove of alleged misinfo

In blatant disregard for the First Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can call on Big Tech to remove information that it deems to be false.

The Supreme Court struck down a lower court ruling in the case of Murthy v Missouri, as it 'did not find' the federal government’s communications with social media platforms about [alleged] Covid-19 misinformation violated the first amendment.

The court’s decision permits the government to call on tech companies to remove information that it deems to be false.

Nick Robins-Early of The Guardian wrote, "In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court wrote that the plaintiffs had no standing to bring the case against the Biden administration, with conservative justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissenting." 

Robins-Early continued, "Although many of the arguments in the case centered around how governments and platforms interact with free speech online, the ruling focused more on procedural issues and a lack of legal grounds to bring the case.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the opinion, "The plaintiffs, without any concrete link between their injuries and the defendants’ conduct, ask us to conduct a review of the years-long communications between dozens of federal officials, across different agencies, with different social-media platforms, about different topics. This court’s standing doctrine prevents us from ‘exercis[ing such] general legal oversight’ of the other branches of government."

Former United States Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark took to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, to express his frustrations:

"The Supreme Court wrongly booted the most significant First Amendment case in U.S. history on standing grounds today, Murthy v Missouri. And I say that as a true maven of standing doctrine.

In effect, the Supreme Court majority is requiring government-private partnerships aimed at censorship to overlap entirely.

If there are situations where private censorship predates and or postdates government calls for censorship, then the majority is saying the actions should be treated as independent and therefore to frustrate satisfaction of the causation and redressability prongs of standing analysis.

And the Supreme Court majority did this even where they simultaneously acknowledged there was evidence of government collusion with Big Tech to censor COVID-related and 2020 election-related speech.

We need President Trump to be reelected not just to put in place bans on federal government censorship activity using Big Tech as their cat’s paw, but to bring enforcement actions against those violating the First Amendment.

The Judicial Branch checking out of this issue as it is postured in Murthy cannot be the final word or else censorship to maintain leftist orthodoxies about important matters like COVID and elections will continue and expand.

Note as well that this decision could not be more poorly timed. It took til 2024 to tee up the 2020 censorship for Supreme Court review.

As a result, Joe Biden and his minions now have carte blanche to censor right on through the 2024 election and those violations of law could only be conceivably redressed if Trump gets back into the White House.

There is an inherent lag from First Amendment injury on the one hand, to lawsuits, and winning lawsuits sustainable through appeal on the other hand.

Finally, for all these reasons, we should be able to put to rest forever the nonsense position that the Supreme Court does Trump’s bidding. It doesn’t.

But watch MSM continue their relentless attacks on the Supreme Court and its independence nonetheless."

The Supreme Court's decision further punctuates the Biden administration's weaponization of the federal government.

While the ruling is a major setback to free speech, it only strengthens the People's resolve.

Its timing is uncanny, as the highly anticipated Presidential debate between former President Trump and Joe Biden is set to take the country by storm on for Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia.

The same men and women who have experienced censorship, shadow banning, and suspensions on Big Tech platforms, will tune in to the debate.

They remember how much better life was under Trump.

The same men and women have been struggling since 2020.

The same men and women are tired of paying more at the gas pump.

They are tired of paying Michelin star dinner prices for everyday groceries.

They are tired of being silenced.

These men and women will be taking their grievances to the ballot box on November 5, 2024.

It's time for President Trump to come home.

The U.S. Supreme Court by Mathieu Landretti is licensed under Wikimedia


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